Got an AI idea?
Let’s make it a reality!

Submit your AI concept, and we’ll give you expert feedback—no strings attached.

This exclusive, no-commitment opportunity is for companies only and is available until October 31. 2024, 
or until the release date of ChatGPT 5, whichever comes first :)

A collaboration of CNJ, Pareto and SE7EN.


We have worked on projects for industry leaders and helped them achieve outstanding results.

Ready to submit your idea?

Provide us with some of your information
and a description of your AI idea.

All fields, except the file attachment, are required.

Pick your attachment

Please Note:

This opportunity is for companies only.
Do not submit any confidential or sensitive company information.
We reserve the right not to respond to any fraudulent or invalid submissions

Have questions? Contact us, we’re excited to hear from you!

[email protected]+386 51 33 66 86